Biosciences track aims to bring together academic scientists, researchers, and scholars to exchange experience and research results of different aspects of “Bio-surveillance, Microbial Detection, Biotherapeutics Dev and Role of AI in Biological Sciences”. Objective is to network, explore collaborations and spark ideas with the aim of developing new projects and technologies.
The sub themes of this track include:
Pandemic Preparedness and Response Innovations
Zoonotic & Vector Borne Emerging / Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
MDR & XDR Microbes and their Control Strategies
Biodetection Technologies – Recent Innovations, Trends & Challenges
Recent Advancements in Vaccine Development & Biopharmaceuticals
Integration of Multidisciplinary Science, AI & Deep Learning Tools in Biological Research
Bio-process Challenges in Dev of Prophylactic Measures
Collaborative Model of Academia, Industry & Regulators for R&D
Regulatory Affairs & Certifications of Diagnostics kits, Biotherapeutics and Vaccines
Industrial Biotechnology